
Recently I have learned that it's only the simple things that really matter. I hope that as you share this journey with me you will be inspired to believe the same...blessings!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

*deep breath*

I never thought life would be easy  I've always known that life isn't easy; experience is the greatest teacher of all, but in the same breath, I never new that it would be like this.  I never knew that it was possible to be so blessed and so blah at the same time.  Actually, I never knew that it was possible to feel so many emotions all at once, and honestly not really be able to name or identify any of them.  You guessed it, I'm overwhelmed.  Nothing is wrong.  I have so much to be thankful for but I just feel like running away.  Not forever; just until, well, I feel like coming back.  :)  Have you ever been there?  (please, even if you are lying, just say "yes" to make me feel better)

Feelings.  Everyone has an opinion about feelings.  Some say, "listen to your feelings", while others say "feelings are deceitful" all I know is that my feelings are real and right through here I'm feeling like I'm having WAY too many of them.

Pray.  Honest, I think prayer is wonderful.  I believe 100% in the power of prayer.  And, I can honestly say, that I do pray.  But sometimes...oh, I don't know, it just seems like it would be a lot easier if God could come and sit down next to me and we could chat about things that way.

Sleep.  Oh, how I miss thee.  I would love to just have a few days to just sleep and sleep and sleep.  I think this is the crux of all of my current "issues".  I'm just so unbelievably tired.  It's amazing to me that sleep is so powerful.  I don't know all the science behind it, I just know that it's been a LONG time since I've had a good night sleep and my life hasn't been the same since.

Responsibility.  Again, one of those things you know is there....but really, when did it become so HUGE.  AHH!  You know, I'm ok with being responsible for me...but now being responsible for a "family", I think I should have read the FINE PRINT before signing up!  I love them, my family that is, but seriously, I just need a break.  Maybe more than a break, I need someone to take care of me.  That would probably help.

Vacation.  (I think this is self explanatory)

Reality.  Ok, now that I'm over whining, I have to say this.  I have a great life.  I have a wonderful husband, and incredible son, and blessings beyond measure.  The truth is I am tired, overwhelmed, and in need of a vacation but the reality is that it could be much worse.  So, like everyone else has to do time and time again, I will pull myself up, dust off...and keep on keepin on!!!

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